A Ravin Crossbow TLCC Fundraiser Board is at the Manitou Inn Bar & Grill. This prize package is valued at over $1500.00 and includes a Crossbow Hunt Kit, an insulated jacket, $100 in gift cards and a front end alignment. The cost is $20 per chance. Proceeds are designated for the scholarship and charitable donation…
Fisharama Winners
Congratulations to all of the lucky winners at the 2025 Fisharama held on Feb. 1 Annual Raffle Winners: $500 First Place: Chris Eccles $250 Second Place Joy Oswskey $100 Third Place: Ryan Hoerschner Fishing Contest Prizewinners were: Adult Division Northern: Randy Udeen 38 1/4″ Pan Fish: Tie- Ryan Johnson & Chrissy Stenson Crappie 10 1/4″…
Here’s a 2025 scholarship application. Remember that all scholarships must be postmarked by March 15. Scholarship Application
Zumba and Yoga
Join your friends for healthy fun!
Health and Safety Announcement
Please, safely share the road around the lakes. Drivers, please slow down for walkers and bicyclists. Walkers should always walk facing traffic so they can see oncoming vehicles. Bicyclists should always ride their bike in the same direction as traffic is flowing. Also, be a good neighbor and please clean up after your dogs while…
TLCC Needs Volunteers
Tri Lakes Community Center Volunteers needed!! If the Tri Lakes Community wants to continue with all of the events throughout the year we are going to need some additional community members to assist please. We may need to cancel some events if we do not. We are looking for a chairperson and a co-chairperson for…