Tri Lakes Community Center Volunteers needed!!

If the Tri Lakes Community wants to continue with all of the events throughout the year we are going to need some additional community members to assist please. We may need to cancel some events if we do not. We are looking for a chairperson and a co-chairperson for most of the following events put on by the TLCC.

Ham bingo
Spring cleanup
Pancake breakfast
Lake Sales- this one is good to go.
Turkey potluck
Golf outing over the 4th weekend
Road parade
Boat parade
Canoe and kayak races
Farmers market- this one is good to go.
Corn and Pork roast- this one is good to go also.
Soup Saturday
Fall cleanup
Trunk n’ Treat- this year is covered
Fall Turkey bingo


Also looking for volunteers to assist the fundraising committee.

The Gazette Newsletter committee.
The Grant committee.
Scholarship committee.
Welcome to community committee.
Membership committee.
Nomination of board members and directors committee.
Little free library committee.
Media committee.
Policies and procedures committee.
Building and grounds committee.
Annual audit committee.
Meat raffles as well, part of the fundraising committee.


These are the events and other committees for 2023. Please message us here or contact a board member or director if interested in volunteering, thanks! Thanks!